Porcupine Opportunities Program (POP) is a community-based and community-governed organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of persons experiencing disability. In operation since 1974, the agency currently provides residential, vocational, and recreational support and services for approximately thirty adults with disabilities. Sixty full and part-time staff provide services in both Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. The agencies residential program involves operation of three group homes with sixteen spaces, and nine enhanced supported living spaces. The agency also owns and operates a four-plex apartment building that is available for rent to individuals within POP's program and local residents in the community. All of the homes are in Porcupine Plain.

POP's vocational program involves an active day program, an industrial wood shop in Porcupine Plain, and a day program in Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. The agency also operates two SARCAN recycling depots, one in each of the two communities, as well as a laundromat and a speciality gift store in Porcupine Plain.


News and Upcoming Events

P.O.P. Celebrates 50 Years in Operation! - September 2024

Porcupine Opportunities Program is celebrating our 50th year of operation in 2024! We held our 50th Anniversary celebration on September 6, 2024 at the Community Hall, and a great time was had by all.

We would like to thank our speakers: Tracy Slobodian (MC); Hugh Nerlien, MLA; Nick Wood, Mayor of Porcupine Plain; Melanie Weiss, SARC; Jason Kockay, Weyerhaeuser; Karl Galindez, Prayer Baptist Church.

From our beginnings in 1974 to our daily operations today, POP has been built by a great number of individuals that worked to get us here. We are so thankful for the parents and community members that filled the space in our community for individuals that would benefit from support, as well as the staff and residents that continue our story in the present day.

Porcupine Opportunities Program has grown to be an integral part of the local communities of Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay, and we could not have done it without the following individuals:

Founding Parent Group: Anne and Mike Kuzek; Sophie and Nick Kwiatkowski; Mavis and Mike Belchamber: Audrey and Don Leepart; Elsie and Joe Dobrowski; Mabel and Fred Seafoot; Phillipena and Herman Heine; Kathy and James Jamieson: and Marg Kraft

Founding Board of Directors: Fred Seafoot, Herman Heine, Anne Kuzek, Mike Kuzek, Nick Kwiatkowski, Jim Jamieson, Kathy Jamieson.  Other community contributors include John and Dorothy Gunderson, Merlin and Elaine Olson, and Marie Szylowski.

Current Board of Directors: Tracy Slobodian, Tony Lau, Pat Morvik, Mary Ryhorski, Bonnie Hoffus, Mark Orendi (Town or Hudson Bay appointee), Agnes Ewen (R.M. Kelvington appointee).

Thank you to all of our current and past staff, residents, and families for playing such an important role in P.O.P.’s history.

Cheers to 50 years!

Fundraising Raffle for POP Day Program - May 10, 2024

POP is hosting a fundraising raffle! The grand prize is an 18'x10' She Shed (or will it be a He Shed?), valued at $7,800. The OSB for this shed was donated by Weyerhaeuser in Hudson Bay, and the shed itself was built by the Construction 20/30 class at Porcupine Plain Comprehensive School.

The proceeds for this fundraiser will be used towards the new Transit Bus, as well as some outdoor items for our Day Program. Tickets can be purchased from staff or board members, our main office, as well as the following locations within our community: POP_Cabin_Front_Grey_Background_2024.png

Parkland Co-op

Affinity Credit Union

Slobodian Pharmacy

Johnston Agencies

Bits n' Pieces

Junction Review Office (Hudson Bay)

The draw date is June 24, 2024!

Porcupine Opportunities Program Receives Funding for Expanded Workshop - July 22, 2022

Porcupine Opportunities Program Inc. (POP) is pleased to announce that it has received $805,000 in funding from the Government of Canada for renovation and expansion of its industrial wood workshop in Porcupine Plain. The federal investment, by Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan), is through its Community Economic Development and Diversification (CEDD) program. CEDD supports economic development initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and diversification of communities across the Prairie provinces.

Construction and renovation is set to begin in the early fall of 2022 with an anticipated completion time of late spring 2023.

POP is a community-based and governed organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of persons experiencing disability. In operation since 1974, the agency provides residential, vocational, and employment supports and services to over 30 adults experiencing intellectual and/or physical disabilities. Services are provided in Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay.

"Porcupine Opportunities Program is thankful that PrairiesCan recognized the importance of this project to the individuals we support, our agency, and our community as a whole," said General Manager, Marilyn Jonas. "We are grateful for this opportunity and excited to expand our vocational opportunities through this investment."

The investment will support the renovation of POP's existing 4200 square foot workshop which was built in 1985 as part of the agency's vocational program. Originally, the shop supported the production of core boxes for mining exploration. This work continues with the production of over 30,000 boxes per year. Over the past several years POP has also added production of dunnage, for the lumber industry to its scope of business. This work involves using waste lumber to manufacture strips of wood that are strapped to the bottom of lifts of lumber. The strips, or dunnage, facilitate movement of the lifts using a forklift or loader. The agency is now producing close to 600,000 pieces of dunnage and has added additional staff to support this work. Increased space and updates to the infrastructure of the shop and its equipment are required to support and sustain both core box and dunnage production moving forward.

"Our government recognizes that community-based organizations like the Porcupine Opportunities Program are critical for providing vocational and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities," said Daniel Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan. "This Program is a wonderful asset to the community and we are proud to support it."

The funding from PrairiesCan will add an additional 3500 square feet of working space as well as support renovation and updating of the existing workshop. Included in the project will be the addition of a specialized area for the manufacture of a variety of small wood projects for sale including: benches and chairs, planters, bird houses, games, and much more. This new work area will provide opportunity for some participants who are less mobile, or need a quieter work area, to participate in the workshop activities. In addition to the extra space, the investment will support an update in electrical services, a new sawdust vacuum system, and some specialized wood working equipment.

POP Expands Supported Employment Program Through Gift Store and Laundromat Service - October 8, 2019

The grand opening of Porcupine Opportunities Program (POP) new gift store and full service laundromat was held on Tuesday, October 8, 2019.

The new gift store, named "Bits N' Pieces", features hand-crafted products consigned by local and regional crafters as well as various items produced as part of the agency's vocational programs. The store already has over 40 consigners marketing a wide variety of products. POP's laundromat has been renovated, and now offers a variety of new services including: staff support Monday to Friday; a custom laundry service; a barber shop each Wednesday; and a small confectionary. Most recently POP has added "light mending" (hemming, buttons, and patches) to the service package.

The new services mark the expansion of POP's supported employment program, which provides employment opportunities to individuals experiencing disability. Currently, 9 individuals are working at the store and laundromat in various roles that fit with their interests and abilities.

In addition to the introduction of the new services and employment opportunities, POP also recognized local businesses that are providing employment to individuals supported by the agency. They include: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; Parkland Co-op; Caroline's Restaurant; Quilly Willy Early Learning and Childcare Centre; and Blair's Funeral Home in Porcupine Plain as well as Lewellin's Sales and Service and the Modeon Theatre in Hudson Bay.

POP thanks our partner businesses for their on-going role in supported employment. We also thank the community at large for all the support and enthusiasm they are showing for our newest venture!

POP Celebrates Its 45th Anniversary - October 2019

Porcupine Opportunities Program (POP) is celebrating its 45th year of operation in 2019. As we reflected on this, we felt it was important to recognize the individuals that helped to make the organization a success over almost five decades of operations.

POP was initially started in 1974 by a group of parents who wished to provide an opportunity for their children who were experiencing disabilities to live and work in or near their homes.

With their own money and donations from the community, the group purchased 27 acres of land on the south side of Porcupine Plain and moved a two room school house to the site. They set up a working area in one room, storage and administration in the second room, and a small woodworking shop in the basement. This formed POP's infrastructure to start providing services and support to nine individuals.

Initial operations at POP were largely built around income from Canada Manpower grants while other income came from building grain bins for local farmers and the Coop. The beginnings of what would later become the main revenue source for the agency, core box production for mining companies, was also established. However; without a steady operating revenue the organization was starting to falter by the end of the 1970s.

In 1983, Carl Kwiatkowski, POP's manager, orchestrated the transition from the parent group to a community based Board of Directors, with base operating revenue provided by the Provincial government through the Ministry of Social Services. Over two dozen organizations were represented at the initial meetings with some groups agreeing to sit on the Board, and others offering support.

Over the years, financial circumstances and changes in local organizations gradually reduced the number of organizations involved in the agency. Currently, only the town of Hudson Bay and the RM of Kelvington still appoint Board members, while all other Board members are appointed at large.

From those early beginnings POP continued to grow and expand its programming. Key milestones included:

  • Construction of the current day program, workshop and administrative offices on Church Street in the early 1980s.
  • The initiation of residential services in 1985, with rental of a three-bedroom home from Saskatchewan Housing to support individuals in semi-independent living.
  • Construction of POP's first group home on 1st Avenue in 1988. Two more group homes were built, the second in 1998 and a third in 2012.
  • Building of two independent living residences, the first in 2004 and the second in 2012. These suites housed four and five individuals respectively and were attached to two of the group homes. The agency also purchased a four-bedroom home in 2010 to provide additional supported living space for participants.
  • Additions to the business programing through this time included set up of a laundromat and business offices (1991), purchase of a 4 plex apartment building (1994) and initiation of SARCAN recycling depots in Porcupine Plain (1997) and Hudson Bay (2008).

Today, Porcupine Opportunities Program Inc. has grown to be an integral part of the local communities in Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay. The agency currently supports approximately 30 participants, supported by 60 full and part-time staff.

Programming for participants continues to evolve and now includes: two day programs (Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay), a seniors program, and an expanded workshop which produces core boxes for the mining sector, dunnage for the lumber industry, and various outdoor furniture, planters and other wood products for the public. Most recently the agency has expanded its supported employment program with the expansion of service in its laundromat and through a new gift store that features products produced by local and regional artisans.

As the agency celebrates its 45th anniversary, it would like to recognize the individuals that have provided leadership to the agency through POP's volunteer Board of Directors over the past decades. They have given their time, energy and commitment to help bring the agency to where it is today.

Thank you… to all of you!

Parent Group: Anne and Mike Kuzek, Sophie and Nick Kwiatkowski, Mavis and Mike Belchamber, Audrey and Don Leepart, Elsie and Joe Dobrowski, Mable and Fred Seafoot, Phillipena and Herman Heine, Kathy and James Jamieson, and Marg Kraft.

Porcupine Opportunities Program First Board of Directors: Fred Seafoot, Herman Heine, Anne Kuzek, Mike Kuzek, Nick Kwiatkowski, Jim Jamieson and Kathy Jamieson. Other individuals from the community also contributed to the board. These included: John and Dorothy Gunderson, Merlin and Elaine Olson, and Marie Szydlowski.

Board Representatives from Community Organizations (*Current Board Members):

  • Town of Hudson Bay: *Doreen Saugmyhr
  • RM of Hudson Bay/Hudson Bay SAMR: Ted Dielschneider
  • Hudson Bay School Division: Glen Holmwood (now a member at large), Cheryl Thacker, Elaine Ashdown, Looi Bourgonje.
  • Town of Porcupine Plain: Vernon Armitage, Bill Sclater, Alex Blosi, Gayle Graham
  • RM of Porcupine Plain: Ed Ponatowski, Lorne Banks, Fred Kwasney, Doug Fettis, David Darmokid, Steve Bohachweski
  • Porcupine Plain School Board: Elaine Hill
  • Porcupine Carragana Hospital Board: Mike Moroz
  • RM of Kelvington: Doreen Crawford, Marlene Norton, *Agnes Ewen
  • RM Bjorkdale: Carl Schneider, Wayne Dmytriw, Jim Bergh, Larry Ruether, Brian Hart, Sam Yager, Brian Darmokid, Trudy Mahussier
  • Kinsmen Club: Roy Listol, John Dutcheson, Gerald Johnston, Darrell Zenuk
  • Lions Club: Les Merriman, Larry Lozinski
  • Mental Health: Gary Gress
  • Members at Large: Gloria Dueck-Farber, Dr. Y. Bahna, Leslie Knutt-Mielke, Roger Pederson, Connie Stianson, *Tony Lau, *Tracy Slobodian, Donna Logan, *Pat Morvik.

"May what we accomplished together provide a lasting thank you!"


Porcupine Opportunities Program offers a variety of programming for individuals experiencing disability. This includes day programs in Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay, supported employment programming, a seniors program, an industrial wood production shop, and a variety of supported residential settings. An overview of the programming is listed below.

Porcupine Opportunities Program - Vocational Programs

Vocational Programs

  • Day programs in Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay.
  • A seniors' program.
  • A commercial wood production shop in Porcupine Plain.
  • Community-based employment.

Residential Programs

  • Sixteen spaces in three group homes in Porcupine Plain.
  • Nine Enhanced Supported Living Spaces in one- and two-bedroom suites in Porcupine Plain.
  • Additional opportunity for living accommodation in Porcupine Plain and Hudson Bay.
Porcupine Opportunities Program - Businesses


  • Two SARCAN recycling depots, one in Porcupine Plain and one in Hudson Bay.
  • Core box production for the mining sector and dunnage production for the lumber industry through the industrial wood production shop.
  • A laundromat and associated services in Porcupine Plain.
  • A gift store.
  • Two business rental offices in Porcupine Plain.
  • A 4-plex apartment with suites that are available to the public and/or able to support the residential program as needed.